SundarSTEM is a high school from Class 9 to A-Levels focused on excellence in Maths and Sciences. The Maths curriculum is built around the syllabus on which International Math Olympiads (IMO) are held annually and only those students are selected into the school who have the capability to excel in top level math environment.
Computer Science is another subject of serious study at SundarSTEM and the school is following a curriculum that actively engages the students towards participation in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).Click here for a copy of our CS curriculum.
The Humanities and Social Sciences Department at SunderSTEM is dedicated to developing the students’ thought processes and critical thinking and enhancing their general knowledge so that they are more discerning of themselves and their surroundings and better equipped to face challenges and adapt to changes as leaders in their fields. Much importance is given to learning the English Language through exposure to world literature, so that they can read, comprehend and communicate effectively.